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How-to Set Up Automated Facebook Social Ad Trafficking (SAT)


Social Ad Trafficking Action Types can be used to automatically traffic ads to Facebook.

Available Action Types

Single Placement Asset

Customized Asset Placement

Campaign, AdSet, Ad Creation

Social Ad Trafficking - Single Asset - Campaign, AdSet, and Ad creation

Social Ad Trafficking - Customized Asset Placements - Campaign, AdSet, and Ad creation

AdSet, Ad Creation

Social Ad Trafficking - Single Video Asset - AdSet & Ad creation

Social Ad Trafficking - Customized Asset Placements - AdSet, and Ad creation

Ad Creation

Social Ad Trafficking - Single Video Asset - Ad creation

Social Ad Trafficking - Customized Asset Placements - Ad Rotation

Additional Action Types

  • Social Ad Trafficking - Video Upload

  • Social Ad Trafficking - Create Campaign Shell

Getting Started

  1. Determine what type of trafficking you are doing

    1. Placement Asset Customization vs. Single Placement Asset

    2. Account Level (Campaign, AdSet, Ad)

    3. Objective (i.e. Conversion vs. Consideration)

  2. Create your bulk sheet which includes the required fields for that action type.

  3. Go to Alli Actions and create a new action and select the Social Ad Traffickingaction type you want to setup based on your

  4. Follow these setup instructions to configure your action

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