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Tutorial: Update Meta ASC Campaigns - Tips & Tricks


This guide provides essential insights and practical advice for effectively managing your Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns (ASC) through Actions. As ASC is a newer type of campaign, it comes with unique challenges and nuances when managed via Actions. This documentation is designed to clarify these aspects and guide you on optimizing your campaign strategy for better results.

Interested in learning more about ASC campaigns? Check out Meta’s Business Help Center for articles and tutorials. To get you started, here is the ASC overview page.

The TLDR of this is: when adjusting your ASC campaigns, while you should probably use Action Types that are for the campaign level, you may be required to provide the adset id instead of the campaign id.

So if you try your campaign level action with your ASC campaign id, and it errors, don’t fear, and retry utilizing the adset id, or complete the same test on the Adset Level action.

Tips & Tricks

Creating an action to update an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign is no different than setting up a standard action, so refer to the Getting Started instructions for a step by step tutorial on how to do so. The only difference in your setup is knowing what action type to select, and what IDs to provide.

Updating Status Tips

For updating status, you should still leverage the Campaign Status action type, and should pass the ASC campaign_id, just as you do already for all other campaign types.

You may also pass the adset_id and it will not error, but note that it will only update the adset status, not the adset status and campaign.

  • Action Type - Select Campaign Level (Not Adset Level)


Updating Budget

For updating budget, you should still leverage the Campaign Status action type, but rather than passing the campaign id for the id column pass the adset id to the action type. All other campaign types should pass their campaign id, but ASC campaigns must pass the adset_id.

  • Action Type - Select Campaign Level (Not Adset Level) - Lifetime or Daily

  • Example Action - Successfully run using the above technique


Other Action Types

The TLDR of this is: when adjusting your ASC campaigns, while you should use Action Types that are for the campaign level, you may be required to provide the adset id instead of the campaign id

So if you try your campaign level action with your ASC campaign id, and it errors, don’t fear, and retry utilizing the adset id, or complete the same test on the Adset Level action.

Dealing With Errors

  • To find specific error messages, reference the How-To: QA Your Action Runs instructions for the simple steps to see your specific error message.

A sample errors (yours will differ depending on what action type you are using)

  • OAuthException(httpStatus=400, code=100, subcode=-1, trace=AkE3Z7zFhiihC0uYaz28vAo): (#100) Invalid campaign param(daily_budget) to create an ASC ad..

Example Error Visual:



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