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How-To: Use a SFTP Manager to Find File Name and Attributes When Creating a New List

This how-to shows some key information findable in a SFTP manager that helps streamline the new list creation process.

Before You Start

  1. Ensure you have a SFTP manager.

    1. Filezilla is free and can be downloaded here.

  2. Ensure you have the appropriate SFTP credentials for your client

    1. These are typically stored in your team’s 1Password vault.

Logging In To The SFTP Manager

  1. Login to your client’s SFTP folder.

    1. The host is always

    2. The port is always 22.

Finding Your File’s Attributes

  1. Login to your client’s SFTP folder.

  2. You can find the headers of the file from the file you will import or from a header file if they provided one in your SFTP manager.

  3. Navigate to the file to import or the header file, right-click, and click view/edit to preview the file

  4. You should see a text box appear previewing your file that you can then reference when creating your attributes.

Copying Your File’s Name When Specifying the File to Import in Audiences

  1. Right-click on the file to import and click 'Copy URL(s) to clipboard'

  2. Paste this URL into the File Name field

  3. Delete everything before “writeable”.

Between previewing headers and copying the exact file name, you should have all the information you need to create a new list from a SFTP.

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